Lesson# 1: Make A List Of Your Debts

So, number one, make a list of all of your debts, okay. You want to see how much debt you’re in and you just want to lay it out before you and just purvey and survey everything and know how much debt you owe. Why you want to do this? Well, look at the bible, what does the word says? Let’s look at an inference, an example in the bible. Remember Joshua and Caleb and the 12 spies when they went into the land of Canaan to survey and they saw you know 10 of them saw giants and of course Joshua and Caleb saw what was possible you know that they could conquer it and they could overcome it. So looking at that example, when you want to lay out all of your debts and see how much you owe, you know they surveyed the land, they surveyed their competition, they surveyed what they had to do with what they had accomplished you know. So it’s important to survey your finances, survey your debt and just know get an overview of what you need to do and how much debt you owe. Take an inventory, do what Joshua and Caleb did, take an inventory and see what’s before you, okay. So make a list of all your debts and that’s your credit cards, your personal loans, your student loans, your car loans, even your payday loans, okay, and your mortgages, okay. And you want to make a, I say, three columns, you want to make a list of the credit cards, you want to make a list of how much you owe on each one, the total amount, and then you want to make a list, you know you want to write down also the minimum of payment amounts on them, and then you want to list the interest rates that you’re paying on each one. So again, make your list and have a little chart or whatever. Again, write down your cards, write down the amount you owe, the total amount, the next column, write down the minimum amount, and the next column write down how much the interest rate is, how much you’re being charge interest, okay. So, very important to survey your debt. Take an inventory, okay.