Number two, rank your debts. And it’s important to rank your debts because this is where you’re coming up with your game plan, okay. It’s important to have a goal and to have a game plan, and how you need to meet and how you can meet those goals. So, you need to rank your debt, okay. And there’s two was people usually do it and I did it from the smallest amount owed to the largest, okay. You can decide for yourself if that’s the way for you to go but that’s what I did, I did from the smallest amount to the largest that I owed, okay. The other way is from the highest interest rate, on each card or loan, to the lowest amount of interest rate that you’re being charged. And the reason some people use this method is because you can save the most money while you’re paying it off. For example, your first loan is the highest interest rate, when you pay that off, you’re no longer being charged at real high interest rates. So you’re saving on the interest that they will pay you every billing cycle, okay. So either way you want to do it, whether it’s from the smallest amount owed to the largest, or from the highest interest rate to the lowest, that’s you can determine for yourself which one you can do, okay, but these are the two ways that you can rank your debts.