Prophetic Declaration for the Month of August 2023

In August 2023, a reoccurring theme I’ve been getting the last few weeks, has been Restoration. I had a speaking engagement and God gave me a Word of Restoration for that particular congregation. Then, I got confirmation when one of the leaders of that church, told me she spoke on the same message Restoration, the previous week. 

God is bringing about a time of recovery. You’re going to be able to land on your feet. You’re going to begin to recover in the areas concerning your health, your finances and your relationships. It has been in my spirit for the last 2 weeks: Restoration. God is about to restore some things back to you. You are about to recover all that was stolen from you. 

At the same time, he’s also opening new opportunities for you to sow. Listen carefully. New opportunities for you to sow. Here’s what I mean. 

Another reoccurring message I’ve been hearing is Service. God is opening new opportunities for you to sow, by being a servant. And by Being a servant, you’re entering into a season of service where you’re sowing not only in tithe and offerings, but serving in terms of your time, lending your knowledge, skills and abilities. 

People are going to start asking you questions. Hey Sis, do you know how to do this. Or help me with this project. Or can you jump on this conference call because we’d like some input from you. Or we need your expertise. Serving… lending your intellectual currency. 

Did you know that your intellectual property is currency? Not only is it currency when you copyright and trademark your work, right… your books, your articles, your instruction manuals, your digital content. All of those are your intellectual property. So, not only is your intellectual property a currency in today’s economy, but it’s a spiritual currency as well. 


I declare and decree that God is blessing me as a leader in Jesus Name! I declare and decree that I am wise beyond my years in Jesus Name! I declare and decree that this month will be filled with days of leadership and promotion in Jesus Name!