Number three, focus on one debt at a time. And I know it’s probably a knee-jerk reaction to try to go ahead and send everything and end at once and pay it all at once and you know. But unfortunately, some people have a lot of debt that they can’t afford to just pay it all at once you know. So you need to focus at one debt, focus on one debt at a time. And the way you can do this is refer to your list, this is the reason for making a list and ranking them. Refer to your list, the first item on your list, you tackle that first. Now, make sure you still pay the minimum amount on all your other debts because you don’t want to accumulate more debt, the whole point of the game plan is to pay your debts off, not accumulate more, okay. So when you’re focusing on your one main debt, the first item on your list… Let’s say you have a credit card of two hundred dollars, okay, you can either try to pay that all at once, depending on how much income you have coming in and how much you can afford. You can either, when you get paid, you can pay that all at once or you can pay more on that one card and concentrate on that one card while you’re paying the minimum on the other debts, okay. So you can do either or depending on how much money you have how much you have to you know put towards your debts. So go ahead and but the key point of this step is to focus on one debt at a time so start with the first one on your list and then work your way down, okay.