Lesson# 4: Rinse And Repeat

Number four, rinse and repeat, okay. And this is very important because personally what I did in college, I started to pay off my debt, you know I tried. But I dropped the ball and that this is a key thing because like I said before, it later followed me when I wanted to buy a piece of property. So don’t drop the ball, keep focused, stay focused and be consistent, you know rinse and repeat. Once you pay off that first debt, move on to the next item on your list and start working towards paying off that one. So stay focused and you know be consistent and one thing we can look to is in the bible when in Joshua, Joshua 6 I believe, when the Israelites, they tackled Jericho and they marched around the city of, the wall of Jericho and they had a game plan, God gave them a game plan just like He’s giving you now on how to pay your off your debts. He gave them a game plan and you know they walked around the wall of Jericho six days, and then the last day they did a final you know rounds on the last seventh day in celebration, in victory. So the key point of that story is to be consistent, stay focused. They didn’t just walk around the wall one day, you know they came back the next day, and the next day. You know they didn’t give up, they stuck to the plan. You know, so that’s my message to you, stick to the plan, stay focused, you know do it month after month, you know stay focused and be honest, stick to your plan. You may get discouraged you know but go ahead and then maybe some tight moments, some tight months, maybe you can’t you know eat out or whatever but it is worth it once you pay the debt off, okay. You will see how much financial power you have after you pay that off I’m telling you because your credit score will increase also and then you have some extra money too. So you know you will realize how much power you have with money, so stay focused, all right.