Number five, tackle your loans. You know, again this is part of being focused because in Luke 18, remember the widow, the persistent, the parable of the persistent widow. You know, she came back to the judge even though the judge was unfair and I believe back in those days you had to have money to kind of like bribe the judges. So she didn’t have any money and the judge was you know he didn’t care about people so he wasn’t a just judge but she was persistent, she kept coming back, she got on his nerve, she did not give up, okay. So stay focused and keep that in mind when you tackle your loans, you want to stick with it, okay. So for your personal loans, your student loans, your car loans, you know your payday loans, even your mortgages, you want to do the same thing and use the same method that you’re using with your credit cards. So what you do with the loans because it’s a you know bigger probably a bigger amount than your regular credit cards, you know probably a much larger amount, especially the mortgages, if you have a mortgage or an investment property. You know because those are amortized scheduled payments probably over 15 or 30 years. So you know but it’s the same method, you know, keep focused, it’s the same method. Don’t let the amount of, the large amount that you owe, don’t let the debt amount scare you, don’t let that intimidate you because it’s the same method and you can do it. So with loans especially with mortgages and car loans, you can pay that off sooner than later and you use the same method as credit cards. You pay your regular payment and you send in extra each month and you plan to send that in and to pay down the principal amount. Why you do this? Because you want to limit the amount that you’re paying down on your interest. The more you pan down on your principal, you’re going to lower the amount that you pay in interest over time back to the bank. So with loans especially with mortgages and car loans, you can pay that off sooner than later and you use the same method as credit cards. You pay your regular payment and you send in extra each month and you plan to send that in and to pay down the principal amount. Why you do this? Because you want to limit the amount that you’re paying down on your interest. The more you pan down on your principal, you’re going to lower the amount that you pay in interest over time back to the bank. And that allows you to pay that loan or that mortgage off sooner than later. That’s why when you hear and you see you know advertisement or whatever people with their testimony showing how they paid their mortgages off early you know within 15 or 20 years on a 30 year loan you know and that’s because they’re sending in extra money and paying that principal down. So you can do it it’s the same concept when you send in extra money for your credit card and you’re paying that off early same thing, same principle. So don’t let the amount scare you, okay, it’s still doable, it’s the same thing, okay. So go ahead and plan for that you know when you have your loans, when you pay off your credit cards and you get to the loan, don’t let it intimidate you, it’s the same thing: pay extra towards the principal, all right.