So number six, this step is important for people who have a low income or even a fixed income, you know. What you need to do is find extra money to pay off your debt, you know. You may need just a little bump to help you pay that off and there’s several ways you can do that. Let me just give you a few pointers. You can cut back on unnecessary spending. I mean you would think that that’s a given but some people don’t do it. So make a point, if you’re in the category where you need to find extra money, make it your business to look at your budget and to be aware and to be conscious of how you’re spending your money. So make it your business to cut unnecessary spending. You can you know cut out going to restaurants, you can cut off the cable. Some people use Netflix and they don’t watch cable. You know, it’s not a must, if you need money, the money is there to save. So you can find extra money for a cutting cable. Also, cut out those expensive lattes, you know make coffee at home, you know that’s much cheaper than buying expensive lattes from Starbucks or wherever every day or every month. I mean you can cut that out and you will be surprised how much money that you can find just by cutting that out.
Okay, then also cut out that extra recreational spending and this is the point where you know you have to make up your mind how you can accomplish your goals and you have to make it your mind that you do want to accomplish your goals and you will do whatever it takes, what’s necessary, to accomplish it. And you know you can postpone that leisure life, the life of leisure down the road, do it when you’re debt free but right now we’re trying to be debt free, okay. So you can cut out that extra curricula, those recreational items that you have. For example, your golf membership, you can cut that out and save money and put that towards paying down your debt. Also, going to the gym you can cut that out and walk around your neighborhood or go to the mall early in the morning and walk in the mall. You can cut that out for a short period of time, you know, it’s only temporary we’re trying to get somewhere, okay. So you can cut down and cut off your gym membership for a period of time and use that money to pay off your debt as well, okay. So these are ways that you can find extra money to pay your debts off.
Also, you can get a part-time job or a second job, okay. So a lot of people think that you know you don’t have time in the day for that but if you think about it, if you have a nine-to-five job or eight-to-five job, you can do a part-time job six to nine or six to eleven, six to ten, you know. So believe it or not and still go home at a decent hour and have time to you know stay up an hour and do what you need to do twelve o’clock and sleep through to get enough plenty of time to get enough rest. So it’s plenty of time, enough hours in the day to do a second job. So if you need to get a second job, work part-time job, look into those options and that’s extra money that can help you pay your debt off, okay.
Also, think about going for a promotion either within your company or outside of your company, you know. Your company may be having positions, they may have positions open that you know pay that you’re qualified for that you’re going go ahead and try to apply and get a promotion. You know you never know what god would do you know so but nothing will happen if you won’t apply yourself. Faith without works is dead, you have to put in the work, okay. So go ahead and apply and see if you can get a promotion or like I said try to get a promotion outside of your work, you know put your resume out there and again see what God will do you know. Just put your resume out and you may be able to land a higher position or a much higher paying job than you would where you’re at. So again just go ahead and cast the net, you know put your resume out there and see what God will do and you’ll see that you can find money to pay your debts off, all right.
And also, you can start selling stuff, look in your closet and look in your house and see if there’s items that you can sell you know. You can sell stuff on amazon, craigslist or Facebook, Facebook has a marketplace where you can post items. And also you may be able to do you know the good old-fashioned yard sale traditional way, throw a yard sale and you can look at your closet and your house and see what you can do and see what you can put up for sale. And those are ways to where you can find the money, the extra money to pay off your debt, okay. And also last thing is do a side hustle, you know a lot of you have talents and skills and either you’re not utilizing it or you may be doing it for free for your family and friends. So if you are a person that you have skill and talent and you’re already doing it, charge for your talent you know. God gave you talent to give, yes, however, if you need money don’t be scared to ask for a fee. You know again cast the net, you never know what God will do. So cast the net, put a fee on your skill and your talent, okay. So this side hustle that you have, your skill and your talent, you need to be paid for it or you can put it up and be on the internet and post a posting for a freelancer. You can be a freelancer, it’s a few websites where you can post what you do your talents and your skill and some people will hire you as a freelancer, okay. So you can put post it on Upwork, I believe, you can post your skills there and be a freelancer. Also, on so you can also be a freelancer on that website as well or you can again you can do the old-fashioned way word of mouth, you know word of mouth still works. So you can go ahead and make your contact list, go through your phone, go through your contact list and contact everyone who you know your family and your friends and just hit them up. You can call them one by one and just say hey you know I’m doing yards on the side you know or I’m catering on the side and if you happen to need a yard man or a caterer or handyman you know I’m available, I’m just letting you know I’m available. And also you can again go through your content listen send your e-blast send your email personal email to everyone you know and let them know, hey, I’m doing this on the side I’m in business now and I just wanted to let you know I’m available and let them know your price and everything or contact me if you’re interested. You know so again put a price on your talent because again, cast the net, you never know what God will do and these are different ways that you can find extra money to pay off your debt, okay. So again, I just want to encourage you and I want you to be blessed and let you know you can do it again think about me and my testimony. If little old Temia, country Temia can do it, pay off all of my debt from when I was in college. I mean it took me about a year to pay off all of those credit cards, even the payday loans. And again, I had more than one payday loan and you know people make mistakes, don’t be discouraged, look at me I’m an example of what God can do because I’m telling you I was in so much debt. But again I took a full year and i strategically tackled my debt and I did it, okay.
And what is so good about it is when you start paying off your debt, first of all, I said it, for example, if you pay off that first card and say it’s $200 and you paid that off. You will have such a good feeling and then it’s so much that will open up, you will realize how much financial power you have, it builds your faith, you know you will see God’s word come to life, you will know faith… Yeah, I have the faith, that my bills are going to be paid, that my debt is going to be paid off but you will know the scripture coming to life, you will see it. Faith with works, applying yourself, working your plan, it comes to life. Once you pay that off, that first debt, you will see God’s word come to life and you will understand God’s word when he says faith without works is dead. So go ahead and apply yourself and just go back, you may need to go back on the video and take down the notes and step by step but I want to let you know you can do it. Map out everything and just work the plan, go step by step, don’t get discouraged and know that you can do it and God will give you the strength. He’s given you the knowledge right now but He will give you the strength to stay before and be steadfast and I’m going let you know you can do it.