In June 2023, God is going to do 2 things. He’s reinforcing, strengthening and building up your resources, your institution, your establishment, your circle, your corporation or whatever it is that you’re working towards… God is building up that thing. At the same time, He’s calling for you to be adaptable in this season. We all know, just when you think you have everything figured out, God takes a detour and decides he wants to do a new thing in your life. You have to be willing to move as the Holy Spirit moves.
As God is building up your establishments, your businesses and your endeavors. He’s putting you into a place where you have to start reassessing some things. God is rearranging some things in your life. Because it’s time to shore up your foundation. Make sure everything is stable, strong and secure. The Holy Ghost is preparing you for your next level.
June 2023 is a month of reassessment. Take an inventory of what’s around you. God is going to show you what needs to stay, what needs to go and what needs improvement. This is a time of reassessment.
While you are focusing on your goals and reassessing some things in order to prepare you for your next level… it’s important to be adaptable in this season. Be adaptable and open to flow wherever the Holy Spirit leads.
Remember pharaoh had a series of dreams. It was 2 dreams with the same meaning, which means God was establishing some things. Anytime there’s a series of dreams with the same meaning, it means God has established that thing.
The 7 lean years and the 7 years of plenty was being established. It was set; it was a done deal. You couldn’t pray it away. Because it had already been established. And since it is already established, they had to adapt and deal with what was coming ahead.
God is requiring you to be adaptable in this season. The doors God has opened for you this year has already been established. So taking an inventory of the strengths and weaknesses around you prepares you for what God has established for you. God gave Joseph a plan to prepare for the 7 lean years. But Joseph took an inventory and he only harvested and stored what would last through the 7 lean years. Just like Joseph, God is requiring you to take an inventory, it’s time to reassess and only take what’s going to last and prepare you for your next level. You have to make sure you are secure and prepared for what lies ahead. So the reassessment is necessary.
Judges 7:1-7
God told Gideon that he had too many people with him and had to get rid of the slackers. Just like Gideon, God is requiring you to get rid of some things.
While in a period of reassessment, the Holy Spirit may open a door for you because you were obedient in getting rid of some things. Getting rid of some weaknesses in your life, getting rid of some people who are showing up wrong in your life and some hindrances that’s keeping you from advancing and moving forward. You’re going to start to shed some things in order for you to walk through that door.
So, the reassessment, the shifting and the shedding, all of these things will demand that you become adaptable for what God is doing in this season of your life.
I declare and decree that God is building and strengthening my resources in Jesus Name! I declare and decree that the right connections are coming my way in Jesus Name! I declare and decree that this month will be filled with days of flexibility as I am ready to flow with the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name!