Welcome to the mindset for success show and I’m Temia Brinson, your host. And today I want to talk to you about finances about getting out of debt, specifically speaking about your credit cards and your loans, okay. So before I begin let me give you my personal testimony, okay, because this is something that I accomplished in my life. When I was in college, I was you know in my 20s and I went out on a courtyard on orientation day. And on that day, they had all the booths lined up, so booth at the booth I went to all of them and I filled out credit card applications. And it was so easy back then to get credit cards. So I went ahead and applied and I got all of the credit cards. So I racked those up and I had some payday loans too. So I had a lot of debt, I accumulated a lot of debt while I was in college. And believe it or not I didn’t even just have one payday loan, I had payday loans from different companies, so you can imagine the amount of debt I racked up, okay. So you know when I was in college I realized that hey I have all this debt, I didn’t have a job, I need to get a job. So I went ahead and got a job and I started to pay them off but I dropped the ball, okay. So when it came later in life when I wanted to buy a piece of property, a condo, you know that debt that I accumulated in college, it followed me you know. So it affected my credit score and everything. I couldn’t buy the property at the time. So I had to lay out a plan and I had to pay that debt off, but I did it, okay. And I want to let you know that you can do it too. So let’s get started because again I’m encouraging you to pay your debts off because you can do it. I did it, and I know you can too.